Monday, December 21, 2009

I have acne scar, i have fair skin so scars look obvious, HELP##!~pimple cream caused dry burnt like layer!?

now i stopped using d pimple cream...everynite i will put alo vera, those dry layers juz parts on my cheek only not all over the some foundation wil make it looks less obvious, but i Want to get rid of those layer....i experienced it b4, coz of some product used, needs nearly one week to fully back to normal soft skin....any helpful ways to remove scar?thanks a lot...i need confidence to my skin, I m not satisfied to my skin condition.....i even tried two expensiv package in famous facial salon but this temporary make my skin smooth skin gone bad coz of d strong pimple cream....i appreciate ur help....I have acne scar, i have fair skin so scars look obvious, HELP##!~pimple cream caused dry burnt like layer!?
You can help to break up scar tissue with...

Onion juice - or an onion slice

Vitamin E oil

Tea Tree oil

Cocoa butter

Shea butter...

Applied directly to the scar several times each day.

If you have dark(er) skin because of the scar - apply lemon juice


The rough skin that you have is (probably) because of acid that is in the product. Believe it or not... this is completely normal.

It is getting rid of dry, dead skin

After the roughness is gone - your new skin is revealed.I have acne scar, i have fair skin so scars look obvious, HELP##!~pimple cream caused dry burnt like layer!?
Cocoa butter and vitamin E. Or even just try vitamin E by itself. Cut the pill open to get to the liquid, then apply. By the way, avoid florescent lighting, unless you have makeup on, all scars from the beginning of time show up under florescent lights.
your acne cream was too strong. moisturise at night with non oil based cream and dry skin will settle so scars not as noticable.
You should use a bioactive ingredient like copper peptide to heal your skin. check out the link below
put some aloe on it.
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