Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can my doctor prescribe the same medication and cream for acne scars that a dermatologist can?

I don't want to have to go all the way to a dermatologist that I don't know when my doctor can basically provide the same medicine.Can my doctor prescribe the same medication and cream for acne scars that a dermatologist can?
Yes, a doctor can prescibe the same as a dermatologist. My son had acne real bad and I ask him if he could prescribe him something for it. So he said sure. And now my son has very clear skin now.Can my doctor prescribe the same medication and cream for acne scars that a dermatologist can?
you should ask your doctor, he may specialize in skin conditions or something like that and be able to give you the medicine. He may want to refer you to a dermatologist still.
depends how up-to-date your doctor is those type of meds. They may give you something and if that doesn't work for you then they may request you fo to a specialist.
Yes. Anyone who has earned a MD can prescribe anything they think is appropriate.
wats good baebae.
Yes but make sure your dr. knows what you need.

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